In Neapoli, just a few kilometers from the center of Mytilene is located the Elies Residences.

Τα χρώματα, οι μυρωδιές, οι γεύσεις συνθέτουν ένα ονειρικό νοσταλγικό περιβάλλον. Οι villas του συγκροτήματος, σχεδιασμένες με παραδοσιακές αρχιτεκτονικές γραμμές δένουν αρμονικά με το χώρο του κήπου με τα φυτά που προέρχονται από την τοπική χλωρίδα, τα αρωματικά βότανα, και τον ελαιώνα. Στις πέντε αυτόνομες villas συνδυάζεται ιδανικά η παραδοσιακή αρχιτεκτονική στηριγμένη στη χρήση της πέτρας και του ξύλου με την άνεση και τη διακριτική πολυτέλεια.

Στις villas, που έχουν πάρει το όνομά τους από πέντε πανέμορφα χωριά της Λέσβου,

  • villa Eresos,
  • villa Sigri,
  • villa Sykamia,
  • villa Petra,
  • villa Molyvos

the highest standards of hospitality and aesthetics are observed, with all the necessary facilities for a short or longer stay of families, individual guests, couples, and employees.


Σε κοντινή απόσταση από το Elies Residences βρίσκονται οι βασικές υποδομές ασφάλειας, εκπαίδευσης και μετακίνησης.

Port of Mytilene (6.6, km)

Airport of Mytilene, "Odysseas Elytis" (1,8 km).

General Hospital of Mytilene (5 km)

University of the Aegean (3 km)


Ideal place to stay for digital nomads

More and more companies around the world are turning not just to adopting but to enhancing remote working. Modern technology allows communication and information to flow from all over the world, and more and more employees choose to work away from the company's offices.

Climate, environment, security, and social life are the factors that attract digital nomads to our country, making it one of the most popular destinations worldwide.

Lesvos is an island that meets the above requirements, while Elies Residences meets all the requirements in order to become the "office" for people who wish to stay in Mytilene.

Lesvos is the third-largest island in Greece, with a population of more than 80,000 inhabitants. The capital of the island is Mytilene, with 27,000 inhabitants. It is a modern city with a strong social life and all the necessary infrastructure.

The climate of Lesvos is Mediterranean. The weather is pleasant throughout the year, with the average temperature in the summer not exceeding 30 degrees, while the lower average temperature in the winter months is a little below 10 degrees. The wettest month of the year is January with M. The. 13 days of rainfall

Οι villas του Elies Residences είναι διαθέσιμες όλο το χρόνο εξασφαλίζοντας wifi με υψηλές ταχύτητες. Στα πλεονεκτήματα συμπεριλαμβάνεται η διαμονή σε επιπλωμένες άνετες villas οι οποίες είναι αυτόνομες διαθέτοντας πλήρως εξοπλισμένη κουζίνα, τηλεόραση με ψηφιακά κανάλια και θέρμανση με ενεργειακό τζάκι και κλιματιστικό.

Οι villas είναι αρκετά ευρύχωρες ώστε να φιλοξενήσουν άνετα ένα ζευγάρι ή και μια οικογένεια αλλά και φίλους που επιθυμούν να τους επισκεφτούν.

Οι Elies Residences are within walking distance from Mytilene, offering quick access to all the facilities of the city along with the quiet of the secluded location.

Οι Elies Residences παρέχουν:

  • Access to fast WiFi services
  • Accommodation in elegant, villas throughout the year
  • Furnished rooms with high quality equipment
  • Comfortable accommodation and hospitality
  • Fully equipped kitchen
  • Air conditioning and a fireplace
  • TV with cable channels

University of the Aegean

A total of six departments of the Faculties of Environment and Social Sciences of the University of the Aegean operate in Mytilene. The headquarters and facilities are located on University Hill.

Department of Environment / School of Environment

Department of Oceanography and Marine Life Sciences / School of Environment

Department of Sociology / Faculty of Social Sciences

Department of Social Anthropology and History / Faculty of Social Sciences

Department of Cultural Technology and Communication / School of Social Sciences

Department of Geography / Faculty of Social Sciences

More than 6500 students of all levels live in Mytilene.



The Mytilene Library Branch of the University of the Aegean is housed in a building with three (3) floors on Imbros Street. The library's collection consists of 36,850 book titles and 73 subscriptions to printed scientific journals related to the subjects of the faculties and departments of the university based in Mytilene. The library, apart from students and teachers, is also open to citizens.


General Archives of the State in Lesvos Prefecture

The General Archives of the State of the Prefecture of Lesvos are housed in the neoclassical building of November 8. Access to the archives is free in the reading room. The General archives of the State has as its main mission the collection and preservation of archival evidence under the law. With their parallel actions, the organization of exhibitions, workshops, and conferences, the General archives of the State participates in the social and educational life of the island.


The Public Central Library of Mytilene has a rich collection of more than 110,000 items related mainly to the prefecture of Lesvos, but also the opposite Asia Minor coast until 1922.


The Municipal Library of Mytilene, "Eugenia Kleidara" is housed in a three-story neoclassical building donated by the Abbess" Eugenia Kleidaras " in the historical center of Mytilene. Its collection amounts to 20,000 titles of books in various thematic categories, as well as periodicals, and children's publications.


One of the most important internal associations of the country is the Agiasos Reading Room "The Development". With a diverse range of activities covering all fields of music, theater, literature, folklore, and dance, it has been a reference point for the culture of Lesvos since its foundation in 1894. The Reading Room maintains a Folklore Museum with a rich collection, participates in the organization of the Agiasotiko Carnival, takes care of the pine-covered hill Ksteli, maintains a rich library, and organizes music and dance lessons for children and adults.


Sports activities

Very close to Elies Residences is the Municipal Sports Center of Neapoli which has a fitness room, basketball court, volleyball court, and handball court with wooden parquet. In Mytilene, there are private gyms, and throughout the island, there are football and basketball courts.

There are also rowing facilities on Lesvos in Mytilene and Thermia Geras Bay.

Particularly organized is the "Network of Hiking Routes in Lesvos".  A total of 222 km of hiking routes, mapped and studied so that hikers could get to know the natural beauties and culture of the place safely. The landscapes, the relief, and the morphology of the island are ideal for mountain biking. In Lesvos, there are many cycling events and activities every year for both mountain biking and road cycling.


Address: Neapoli, Mytilene, Lesvos 81100
Tel. +30 698 058 0303 / +30 2251 063213