Prayer areas are the following:

The chapel in the first OAC building, dedicated to the brothers from Thessaloniki, Saints Kyrillos and Methodios, the enlighteners of the Slavs.

The architectural design was by Manos Petrakis.

Η μεγάλη εικόνα της Αγίας Τριάδος (“Φιλοξενία του Αβραάμ”) είναι αντίγραφο της γνωστής εικόνας του Αντρέα Ρουμπλιώφ (14ος αιώνας) και προσφέρθηκε στην ΟΑΚ ως δώρο του Πατριαρχείου Μόσχας,το 1979, από τον τότε Πατριάρχη Αλέξιο.

The saints are celebrated on 11 May.

The chapel dedicated to Saint Makarios, which is located in an adapted cave to the north of the OAC facilities, where his memory is celebrated on 19 January.


Saints Cyril and Methodius

On Sunday 11 May 1986, the feast day of the brothers from Thessaloniki, Saints Kyrillos and Methodios, Great Missionaries and Enlighteners of the Slavs, the inauguration ceremony was held, and then an archiepiscopal joint liturgy was held, with the participation of the late Metropolitan of Kissamos and Selinon Eirinaios, and other bishops, in the framework of the First Meeting of the Members of the OAC. Every year, the OAC hosts a conference on missionary work. Moreover, this Chapel also an ideal place for visitors and pupils to get to know the symbolisms of the Holy Liturgy through the beautiful woodcut screen or iconostasis, the icons of which were created by Spyros Kardamakis.


Abba Makarios Chapel

On the occasion of the celebration of the Saint (19 January), in the presence of many conference participants and other guests, the late Metropolitan of Kissamos and Selinon, Eirinaios, along with Reverend Professor Father Athanasios Henein (Coptic Church of Egypt) laid a foundation stone from Egypt in the cave to the north of the Academy, where a hermitage to Saint Makarios has been created. This choice is connected with the OAC´s International Art & Literature Programme “Face to face».

Metamorphosis in Nopigia

On 28 June 1993 the Chapel at Nopigeia, Kissamos (Euro-Mediterranean Youth Center) was founded by the late Metropolitan of Kissamos and Selinon, Eirinaios. The selection of this feast is important, as the main objective of the Centre is to contribute to the spiritual transformation of young people and encourage their participation in an effort aimed at the transformation of life and the world. There is a stone from Mount Thabor built into the wall of the Chapel. In addition, the day of its feast also reminds us of the day when the nuclear bomb fell on Hiroshima and Nagasaki (6 August 1945). The fact that this celebration and tragedy coincide, is a cause for reflection and a reminder of the responsibility held by everyone concerning the active pursuit of peace and life. Each year, after the end of the Vesper, various events are held (musical and theatrical performances), especially in the adjacent Stone Theatre.




The Orthodox Academy of Crete (OAC)
August 8 2023
August 20 2023