Presence of the Laboratory of research and satellite tourism accounts of the Department of Business Administration of the University of Patras at the UNWTO Symposium



The research and satellite tourism accounts Laboratory (EP.E.Do.Lo.T.) of the Department of Business Administration of the University of Patras participated, upon invitation, in the symposium of the World Tourism Organization, as well as in the UNWTO Symposium on country Experiences and 3rd Meeting of the Expert Group for Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism held on 14-16 December 2022 in Madrid.

During the meeting experts were presented from the side of the EP.E.Do.Lo.T., in collaboration with Dr. Peter Hackl (Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria), the first reliable results for the direct tourist GDP of Greece for the period 2010-2020, data that until now were not available. In the context of the UNWTO Symposium, where leading international experts on tourism statistics meet, the research activity of EP.E.Do.LoT. it was proposed as a good practice, for the application of the UNWTO methodological approach aimed at reliably assessing the direct economic impact of tourism in cases where the available data of the statistical system is incomplete.

Other countries facing similar problems and, like Greece, do not have satellite tourism accounts (IAS) are encouraged to imitate this practice. It is noted that IAS are the internationally accepted nationalistic tool for measuring the contribution of tourism to the economy and are compatible with all international nationalistic and statistical standards. The participation of EP.E.Do.Lo.T. the meeting of experts and the promotion of its activity as a good practice, constitute a distinction of the laboratory, the Department of Business Administration and the University of Patras in general. More information and material about the symposium can be found on the UNWTO website

Presence of the Laboratory of research and satellite tourism accounts of the Department of Business Administration of the University of Patras at the UNWTO Symposium
Symposium of the World Tourism Organization
December 14 2022
December 16 2022