Museum-Library Stratis Eleftheriadis-Teriade| “Museums as a place for the promotion of education and research”



On Saturday 18 May, participating in the celebration of the International Day of Museums ICOM 2024, the Str. Eleftheriadis  Tériade Library-Museum, successfully organized a workshop on: “Museums as a place to promote education and research, the case of the  Tériade Museum-Library“.

The event, which took place at the B&M Theocharakis Foundation, was initiated by the President of the Museum’s Board of Directors and President of the Development Committee of the World Federation of Friends of Museums (WFFM), Mrs. Lila de Chavez-Chronopoulou, the Director of the Museum, Mr. Konstantinos Maniatopoulos, Visual Art Historian and with the support of the University of the Aegean.

The conference was honoured and addressed by the Minister of Culture,  Mrs.Lina Mendoni,, represented by the Commissioner-Scientific Associate for Contemporary Art,  Mrs.Katerina Tselou,, who among other things, said that the Ministry, appreciating the value of this valuable cultural legacy, unique for Greece, in 2010, tried and succeeded to support it by modernizing it, with absolute respect to the spirit of the donor, ensuring its viability. The President of ICOM-EUROPE  Dr Giuliana Ericani, who, among other things, stressed the necessity of connection and cooperation in the field of culture and research. The representative of the North Aegean Regional Governor,  Mr Dimitris Kapetanas,, who conveyed the greetings and appreciation of the Regional Governor.

Mrs. Lila de Chavez-Chronopoulou, President of the Museum’s Board of Directors, welcomed the participants and developed the important points of Cultural Diplomacy and the relationship between the public and museums, stressing the importance of the two pillars of the museum sector worldwide, which are on the one hand the international bodies, ICOM, the museum professionals and on the other hand the WFFM, i.e. the Friends of Museums. He referred in detail to the multiple extroversion actions carried out by the Teriade Museum, announcing the organisation of exhibitions by the Museum in Italy and France.

They were followed by speeches by Mr Pascal Fulacher, Honorary Director of l’Atelier du Livre d’art et de l’Estampe et du patrimoine de l’Imprimerie Nationale. Mr Patrice Deparpe, Director of the Matisse Museum at the Cateau Cambrésis. Ms Eurydice Trichon-Milsane, Art Historian, Author and Chef de Projets, Beaubourg. On the part of the University of the Aegean, Mr. Christos Kalloniatis, Professor of the Department of Cultural Technology and Communication and Mr. Panos Grigoriou, Professor of Sociology and holder of the Jean Monnet European Chair. Dr. Aspasia Destouni, from the Faculty of Medicine of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and Scientific Director of NESTOR Business Development in the Netherlands, Estonia and Greece and Mrs. Angeliki Hatzi, Theatre Educator – Museum Educator. The speeches were concluded with the intervention of Mr. Konstantinos Maniatopoulos, Director of the Tériade Museum of Visual and Historical Art. The conference was moderated by Ms Iris Kritikou, Archaeologist-Historian of Art.

The event “Museums as a place for the promotion of education and research, the case of the  Tériade Museum-Library“, provided the opportunity for a scientific and fruitful dialogue on the necessity of scientific research and cooperation between museums, research institutions and public bodies, in order to strengthen the social role and contribution of museums in a dynamically developing environment.

Museum-Library Stratis Eleftheriadis-Teriade| “Museums as a place for the promotion of education and research”
B. & M. Theocharakis Foundation for the Fine Arts & Music
May 18 2024
May 18 2024